
Thursday, April 19, 2012


Some nasty magic. Tricky rain. We've been waiting for a gap in the weather and the second it presented itself I made a dash for my shoes and hat. Quick-quick harnesses, gathered Mrs. Q's bottles for seawater and we rushhhhhhed outside into rain. Darn! The pent up energy finally turned poisonous when the two girls attacked each other over a chewed piece of carrot.

It is only a tooth-sized tiny hole on top of her nose, but it took some effort to stop the bleeding. It is one of those gashes that makes mothers faint and doctors go 'don't worry, it is not as bad as it looks, just a very veined area.' Whatever. I took my sedatives before I gave them theirs. Blood on the floor, the fridges, Butter and Horton my clothes and obviously Nougat. Mrs. Q cleaned the fridges and Bofa is busy cleaning everyone else.

If we weren't leaving later today you can be certain that I would have topped that sedative off with that last beer in the fridge.

Don't be alarmed, it is mostly Mercurochrome on that pink and liver brown puppy nose. It looks much worse in real life.


Elize said...

Ag baby girl!!!! As tannie kon het tannie daai neusie beter gesoen! Julle moet mooi ry vandag hoor en los nou maar die ou tannie (Butter) bietjie uit vandag! xxx

adrienne said...

awww poor puppy! hope her nose heals real quick!